Authenticity and Vulnerability

Authenticity and Vulnerability

Yesterday I had one of those days .. it started with a comment from a dear friend that hit really deep .. and continued with events that were hitting exactly on the point of the first trigger almost as a reminder for a message to be received.. that cascade of triggers...
How To Be Audacious To Reach Your Dreams

How To Be Audacious To Reach Your Dreams

Yesterday Alina Addison lead a wonderful session on #Audacity for our A-List community, she challenged us on taking small steps of courage every day and where we are already audacious in our lives.That reminded me of a conversation with a client...
Leadership Coach Audacity Activity

Leadership Coach Audacity Activity

Yesterday Alina Addison lead a wonderful session on #Audacity for our A-List community, she challenged us on taking small steps of courage every day and where we are already audacious in our lives.That reminded me of a conversation with a client...

Nick, Investment Director at Growthdeck

During my session with Tatiana which was fascinating, she led me to several real “lightbulb” moments. Like all great coaches, she is, above all, a listener, picking up what I said, how I said it and, quite often, what I didn’t say and the...

Anna, Photographer and Art Director

It rare that you come across standout talented coach as Tatiana. I had a pleasure of being coached by Tatiana and it was an experience that helped me to see blind spots in my perception of myself and develop a strategy to tackle my insecurities. I was particularly...